Following is an excerpt from the letter sent jointly (June 21, 2016) from leaders of the Electronics Recycling Association of Pennsylvania, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania, and Solid Waste Association of North America, Keystone Chapter to the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Amendment of Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA, Act 108 of 2010)House Bill 1900 (Ross) Through alliance, our organizations represent the key stakeholder factions affected by the Covered Device Recycling Act (CDRA), Act 108 of 2010. With significant citizen and industry input to each group, we unite in our concerned disapproval of CDRA and its proposed amendment, (HB1900 Ross). We are in consensus regarding the steps necessary to revamp and greatly improve the situation. CDRA inadvertently created an environment in which a once growing electronic waste recycling infrastructure was victimized by an exploitative system. This forced counties and recyclers to abandon their once productive programs. Today throughout the Commonwealth, services are now inadequate to handle all devices covered by the law and in many counties nonexistent. HB1900 will not remedy the situation. Like CDRA, HB1900 fails to incentivize electronics manufacturers to fulfill their obligations and it does not ensure a level playing field for collection programs; scrap recyclers; transporters; and most importantly, Pennsylvania citizens - your constituents. [READ MORE] |