If you really want to get the most from your dues dollar, get involved. Ask any truly engaged volunteer and you’ll invariably hear “I got more than I gave.”
By volunteering, you can… • Expand your professional network • Broaden your perspective • Enhance your skills • Build your resume • Make a difference for your profession • Make a difference for yourself!
Don't ever question the value of volunteers. Noah's Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals. ~ anonymous There are lots of ways you can get involved with PROP and help us bring value to your peers and your profession. The time commitment for each varies, but rarely exceeds a few hours per month and some roles can be taken on for however long and whenever convenient for you! Here are just a few areas for your consideration...
Certification Committee - Develop new certification classes and update existing certification classes as needed.
- Committee Members - Review certification program content; identify & confirm class dates, topics & presenters.
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Data Management Committee - Generate statewide recycling reports and develop related workshops and presentations.
- Committee Members - Review data & compile reports; identify & confirm workshop dates, topics & presenters.
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Education Committee - Develop workshops, webinars and tours which address relevant recycling issues and provide quality networking opportunities.
- Committee Members - Identify unique/compelling topics/issues; set dates & locations; Identify & confirm speakers; Help develop promotional copy.
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Legislative Committee - Work with the PROP board and related organizations to review and, as necessary, respond to relevant legislative and regulatory initiatives in the state.
- Committee Members - Review bills/regulations; help draft responses as appropriate; meet with area legislators/regulators.
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Markets Committee - Develop markets-related content for PROP conference, webinars and workshops.
- Committee Members - Track trends, identify & confirm topics & presenters.
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Organics Committee - Develop organics-related content for PROP conference, webinars and workshops.
- Committee Members - Track trends, identify & confirm topics & presenters .
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Fundraising Committee - Identify and solicit sponsors to help fund member programs and services.
- Committee Members - Identify prospective sponsors; make preliminary contacts; review and update benefit packages.
- Committee Leader - Coordinates efforts of committee members and shares goals and progress with PROP board and management.
Send an email to [email protected]. We'll get in touch and see how you can make the most of your membership and PROP!