Members Spotlight

The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania values every one of our members and the experiences they bring with them to our organization. We all do awesome work throughout the year and much of it goes unnoticed by a lot of people. Sometimes we feel we are doing a thankless job and may feel underappreciated, you are not!

Although we meet each other at PROP and other events throughout the year it’s rare if we actually have a chance to learn about each other, our experiences, and the awesome work we do on a daily basis.

The PROP Membership Committee has started spotlighting our members on a bi-monthly basis. Every two months we will spotlight 1 or 2 of PROP’s members on this webpage as well as our News Views and Opportunities newsletter.

Please use this form to apply to be the next Member who is Spotlighted: Member Spotlight Form.

May / June Spotlighted Member

Name: Nicole Shapiro, Certified Recycling Professional (CRP)

Title: Director / Recycling Coordinator

Organization: Lackawanna County (Office of Environmental Sustainability)

I started with PROP in 2019, I just got hired as the Education Specialist for the Lackawanna County Office of Environmental Sustainability and was training to eventually become the Recycling Coordinator for the County. Every Recycling Coordinator in PA needs to have their CRP, but I recommend it for anyone in the recycling industry in PA.

I am now working on my re-certification !

Read more about Nicole